Revolutionizing Brain Health:
The Neurological Trifecta
Provider of objective baseline cognitive testing using FDA-cleared wireless EEG headset and FDA-cleared Brain Network Analytics (BNA) platform to compare the EEG scan to 77,000 other neurological scans
Using functional imaging to show the physical and cognitive damage in the brain, and an acoustic platform to show the intercranial brain pressure after a traumatic brain injury or with neurological conditions
Using a cellular trifecta to target the mitochondria of the cell through a combination of photobiomodulation, hyperbaric oxygen and blood platelet therapy

Objective Baseline Cognitive Testing
Providing objective baseline cognitive testing to student-athletes and the military to safely return them back to play or duty.

Functional MRI
Uncovering hidden neurological damage, undetectable by standard MRIs, through functional imaging that detects physical and cognitive damage in the brain as well as intracranial brain pressure.

Creating innovative, non-invasive, individualized neurological solutions using photobiomodulation, hyperbaric, blood platelet therapies and neuroplasticity.

Stay in touch—so much is happening, and much more is on the way!